Vitamin D available at Nunavut health centres, says GN

Health workers can provide one month’s supply to people of all ages

Babies and children who don’t get enough vitamin D can develop rickets, a painful disease that causes bones to soften and bend. Nunavummiut can get a month’s supply of vitamin D at their local health centre, like this one in Igloolik. (FILE PHOTO)

By Nunatsiaq News

Health workers in Nunavut have a month’s supply of vitamin D on hand for people across the territory.

Vitamin D, which humans mainly absorb from sunshine, contributes to healthy bones and teeth. Due to Nunavut’s lack of sun in winter months, many Nunavummiut need to find supplementary sources, the Health Department announced Monday in a public service announcement.

Nurses at health facilities across the territory, including those working in Iqaluit Public Health’s maternal and child programs, can provide the nutrient to people of all ages.

“Getting enough vitamin D is important for everyone, especially pregnant women, babies and young children,” the announcement said.

Children with a lack of vitamin D can develop rickets, a “painful bone condition that causes bones to soften and bend.”

People can also seek other sources of vitamin D, including fish, maktaaq, bird and fish eggs, milk, margarine and yogurt that are enriched with the nutrient.

Daily vitamin D dose recommendations are as follows:

  • Babies under the age of two — 800 IU daily.
  • Pregnant women — prenatal vitamin plus 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
  • Breastfeeding women — encouraged to breastfeed for as long as possible and take 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
  • Children two to 18 years and adults over 50 years — 400 IU of vitamin D daily in the form of a multivitamin.

Refills are also available at pharmacies. The Non-Insured Benefits Plan covers the cost of vitamin D for all ages. It also covers the cost of prenatal vitamins and multivitamins for children up to 11 years old.

People can get more information at their local health centre.

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(2) Comments:

    • Posted by Angut on

      Seal liver is rich in vitamin D, which in the past every person would get a taste of the seal liver, which is the best part of the seal.


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