Photo: Keeping the peace


These 3rd graders from Puvirnituq’s Ikaarvik school receive their Level 1 certificates as Ikaarvik police March 2. Under the Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau’s Pivallianiq program, the students help keep fellow students safe every day during recess by preventing fights and supporting students who are crying or hurt. The program works closely the with local Kativik Regional Police Force. (PHOTO COURTESY OF PIVALLIANIQ)

These 3rd graders from Puvirnituq’s Ikaarvik school receive their Level 1 certificates as Ikaarvik police March 2. Under the Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau’s Pivallianiq program, the students help keep fellow students safe every day during recess by preventing fights and supporting students who are crying or hurt. The program works closely the with local Kativik Regional Police Force. (PHOTO COURTESY OF PIVALLIANIQ)

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