GN closes Baffin Island caribou harvest for Pangnirtung

Total allowable limit reached; additional harvesting will be investigated, Environment Department says

The Baffin Island caribou harvest in Pangnirtung for the 2024-25 season is over and no more harvesting will be allowed, the Government of Nunavut’s Environment Department said Tuesday. (File photo)

By Nunatsiaq News

The Baffin Island caribou harvest for the 2024-25 season in Pangnirtung has ended.

Effective immediately, no further harvesting is permitted, Nunavut’s Department of Environment announced Tuesday.

The community has reached its seasonal limit with 58 harvested caribou, the department said in a public service announcement. Allotted tags from the Pangnirtung Hunters and Trappers Organization have been exhausted.

The harvesting limit was established by the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board to “allow the herd to recover” for future harvesting opportunities.

Caribou harvested prior to the closure notice must still be reported to the wildlife office. Any additional harvesting in Pangnirtung outside the season will be investigated, according to the announcement.

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(3) Comments:

  1. Posted by closed? on

    Closed you say? closed or not many caribou are harvested and nothing happens. Investigated means nothing. DOE will not do anything.

  2. Posted by 🤔 on

    There’s lots of caribou now better then buying frozen food that will last all of one week after paying coop and northern an arm and a leg for food frozen and outdated 🙄

  3. Posted by Atatsiak on

    I bet you the DOE employees themselves aren’t so innocent on staying within the limits.

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