Government of Nunavut appoints new child and youth rep
Marilyn Jane Bates starts in new role in July 2019
Marilyn Jane Bates has been appointed as Nunavut’s new Representative for Children and Youth, effective July 22.
The Government of Nunavut has appointed a new representative for children and youth.
Marilyn Jane Bates will take on the new role this summer, replacing Nunavut’s outgoing representative, Sherry McNeil-Mulak.
The GN opened the first Office of the Representative for Children and Youth in 2015, with a mandate to raise public awareness about children’s issues and make recommendations to the government on related polices, legislation and services.
Bates brings to the role extensive experience in social services in both Ontario and Yukon.
“Ms. Bates has been a child protection and family services professional for a quarter of a century and brings close to two decades of experience in the North to the position of representative for children and youth,” said Simeon Mikkungwak, Speaker of the Nunavut legislature, in a June 6 release.
“On behalf of our institution, I would like to acknowledge Ms. Sherry McNeil-Mulak for her service as Nunavut’s first representative for children and youth and to thank her for helping to ensure a smooth transition for her successor.”
Bates officially begins her new role on July 22.
Seriously, does know one conduct back ground checks in North Western Canada!