‘You should all feel extreme shame,’ Nunavut MP tells House on National Indigenous Peoples Day

Mumilaaq Qaqqaq condemns fellow parliamentarians for failing to address Nunavut’s housing crisis

Nunavut MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq addresses the House of Commons on Monday, National Indigenous Peoples Day. (Screenshot from ParlVu live stream)

By Mélanie Ritchot

National Indigenous Peoples Day should be a time to celebrate culture and history, says Nunavut MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, but she told the House of Commons on Monday that the day instead brings her “tremendous” sadness and anger.

“When this institution talks about Indigenous communities, we often talk about resiliency,” she said. But “without ourselves, our strength and our resilience, we wouldn’t be here right now,” she said, referring to Indigenous peoples.

Parliament offers nothing for Indigenous peoples to be proud of, Qaqqaq said.

“This place pats themselves on the back while denying Inuit access to safe livable space that keeps them alive.”

Qaqqaq has called on the federal government to address Nunavut’s housing crisis since her election in 2019 and the release of a housing report she released earlier this year.

She told MPs “you should all feel extreme shame” over the lack of action on the matter.

In a written statement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it is the Government of Canada’s responsibility to make “significant” change within itself.

“We must continue to review our laws and policies to see how we can improve outcomes for Indigenous peoples,” he stated.

“While today is a time to celebrate Indigenous Peoples from coast to coast to coast, it is also an opportunity to acknowledge there is much more work to do on the important journey to reconciliation,” said Trudeau.

He also acknowledged Canada’s past residential school system.

“Saying sorry for these tragedies is not enough,” he said.

“We need to right past wrongs and address ongoing challenges,” Trudeau said. “We can only accomplish this with action.”

In early June, Qaqqaq spoke out in the House of Commons about Indigenous children in foster care, likening it to the residential school system.

She has also garnered national attention lately, following her farewell speech in Parliament, in which she described workplace racism and spoke about the federal government’s “refusal” to take action on Inuit rights issues, like housing or the suicide epidemic.

Last week, the Senate passed Bill C-15, which will entrench the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into Canadian law, once it receives assent.

Earlier in the month, a bill was also passed to create a new federal holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which will be on Sept. 30.

In early June, the remains of 215 children were discovered in a mass gravesite at a former residential school in Kamloops, B.C., which sparked calls for similar searches to be done across the country.

Since then, over 100 bodies have been found buried near a former residential school in Brandon, Manitoba, and searches in Saskatchewan uncovered 35 unmarked graves near a former school.

Earlier in June, the federal government announced it would take further measures to address the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

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(38) Comments:

  1. Posted by Please make it stop. on

    I’m feeling more cringe than anything to be honest.

  2. Posted by Outrage Porn on

    Each time I read a story about Mumilaaq it becomes harder not to notice the corrosive effect it has on my mental health.

  3. Posted by Nunavut Residen on

    Yes, we are ashamed that you are representing us. You had potential and now you have shown that you are incapable yet of the position you have held.

  4. Posted by Stop, please. on

    Please Mumilaaq, stop. The attitude and actions displayed here will severely hamper the hopes of any youth that may want to get into politics in the future.

  5. Posted by Grandstanding on

    “I write you today regarding Nunavut’s transfer payment amounts for 2021-22. In accordance with the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (the Act) and relevant regulations, total major transfers to Nunavut for 2021-22 will round to $1,843 million, an increase of $72 million from 2020-21.”
    -The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P.
    That amounts to somewhere in the neighbourhood of $45,000 per person.
    For comparison, Ontario received $22,771 million in federal transfers. That is around $1,500 per person.
    We all understand that Nunavut has many needs, but for Mumilaaq to go up there and say everybody in the House should feel extreme shame is pompous.

    • Posted by Yup on

      Fair enough but we shouldn’t be comparing NU to ON based on per capita transfer payments. The fact that ON gets any at all is sad given their resources. Same goes Quebec… I agree though that $45k per person seems more than fair, perhaps even excessive. But the housing crisis isn’t going to change without major policy changes at the GN level. It simply makes no sense for Tax payers in this country to fund $500-$800k units with $38k O&M costs annually. NU needs to come up with better housing strategies to solve this crisis with the resources it already has.

      • Posted by I don’t disagree on

        I understand that comparing transfer payments between Ontario and Nunavut is not exactly an equal comparison, but the point that I wanted to get across is that Nunavut’s MP is in the HoC telling every single other MP that they should be ashamed of themselves while those other MPs approve every year to give Nunavut more money out of their own constituents’ pockets than any other province/territory.
        I agree that the housing crisis isn’t going to change without major policy changes at the GN level, and that it makes no sense to build $500-$800k units with $38k O&M costs annually. But that’s not the feds issue, and if Mumilaaq wants to turn around and point her finger of shame at her own territorial government then I suggest she do so, although I don’t see that happening.

    • Posted by fact check on

      Its billion not million.

      • Posted by Check Yourself on

        $1,843 million is $1.843 billion. $22,771 million is $22.771 billion. I literally copied and pasted that quote from the federal transfer letter to Nunavut, it’s correct.
        Maybe you should think twice before you “fact check” again.

  6. Posted by Sunny Ways on

    With Sealift season around the corner, why can we not send housing material up and let the land beneficiaries build housing for themselves? This would dramatically reduce the cost, and I’m sure that they would jump at the chance to help themselves. Wouldn’t have to pay for Southern carpenters and labour.

    • Posted by Traditional housing on

      You would think that would be a solution. However it is not one that most people want. Maybe it’s time for people to return to traditional houses, rather then colonists solutions. If people really want to keep their traditions alive then go ahead, absolutely no one is stopping you. The problem is that people want the luxuries of colonizers houses, as well as the salty snacks, alcohol, tobacco and pay cheques that come with it. Even if the population decided to 100% live off the land, there is not enough wildlife anymore to support it. Caribou populations are decimated due to marketplace selling, not mines and roads. The worst thing the government ever did was force a nomadic culture into fixed addresses

  7. Posted by Jenny on

    I do not agree with the manner in which she has addressed many issues, but it is good to see a young woman trying. She will be an inspiration to other youth to try to shake up the system.

    At least her jarring words get coverage, which brings awareness to the issues, even if at times it is unprofessional.

    She is using her voice and doing her best. Anyone who thinks they can do better should try! (And I don’t mean that confrontationally – I legitimately urge people to try!)

    • Posted by Gilded Cage on

      It’s worse than just her delivery though, at least as I see it. Her grasp on many of the issues she brings up is often so superficial her solutions are not just impractical but so detached from reality they literally offer nothing that will help move the ball in terms of our progress

    • Posted by Mark Christie on

      It is good to read a positive comment about a person who cares about her community and the issues even if you don’t agree with her. This is a person who is in politics because of her compassion and a desire to right the injustices of the present situation.

    • Posted by Chad on

      Anytime someone criticizes Mumilaaq lately… the response is always something like “you think you can do better? go try!”

      Can we not critique her poor performance and silly rhetoric without having to run for office? If I want to say the Toronto Maple Leafs are a joke, must I join the NHL and out perform them to prove it?

      I am sure Mumilaaq is a nice person, and it’s nothing personal… but she was never fit to do the job. I gave her the benefit of the doubt until her drunken twitter video. She was clearly drunk and bullying another Inuit MP who is just doin her best. It was pathetic.

      I didn’t think anyone could be worse then Hunter… but here we are. Sad for Nunavummiut.

      • Posted by Victor on

        Do not fear criticizing the Leafs and having to back it up by going out and playing yourself to prove the point. Even if you never wore skates before, you could outshine them.

  8. Posted by Confused & Slightly amused on

    If she delivered her ‘farewell speech’ last week, why is she still delivering speeches now?

  9. Posted by better on

    This is actually better than another NDP guy telling the PM T that he does not give some ejected matter.

  10. Posted by Concerned Citizen on

    If anyone should feel shame, it should be the last 2 MP’s that were sent to Ottawa to represent us. They certainly made a name for themselves, but not in positive light but because of the reckless behaviour displayed. Then MQ wonders why she is being interviewed by the News Media – they love the drama and it is unusual behaviour that you don’t see from an average citizen. You said your goodbyes, why do you keep reappearing? I thought you did us all a favour, and quit already? Do yourself and everyone else a favour, go home and focus on yourself. It’s time!

  11. Posted by Politicizing the personal on

    “it is surprising how reluctant people are to consider impure motives in loud moralists…If someone angrily accuses other people of a failing, most people are distracted from the possibility that the person is trying to conceal the same failing”

    -Randolph M. Nesse

  12. Posted by articrick on

    Yes QQ, here in Nunavut we do feel a Huge amount of shame, now please be quiet.

  13. Posted by You are joking on

    Yup just ship up the material and everyone can build their own. Think about all the components that go into a house. Seriously, it takes more than carpenters, and it takes real carpenters with real skills and real tools and knowledge of structure, assemblies. Why don’t you start small, hang a door, tile a floor, plaster some drywall, hell sakes, install a light fixture, kitchen cabinets and see how that works out for you. Yup building anything is simple because they make it look simple with many years of training, experience and continued learning. But go ahead give it a shot but use your own money, buy your own material, build it yourself. Perhaps you will gain some appreciation for the enormity of the various tasks. Typical arm chair quarterback, know it all.

  14. Posted by ASHAMED on

    The only thing I am ashamed of is the MP. You are becoming more of an embarrassment to the territory. If you are not happy in the institution you are currently in you should move on to an institution where you can get help. Seriously.
    We cannot expect anything better from an uneducated person who wants to whine and cry over everything without bringing one solutions.
    You need to examine your core values and grow the @#$# up. Do the right thing for Nunavut and get out now.

  15. Posted by W. Mayne on

    “In early June, the remains of 215 children were discovered in a mass gravesite at a former residential school in Kamloops, BC”

    Was it a “mass gravesite” of individual gravesites, possibly buried at different times?

    • Posted by Ignorance Probably on

      It was a misuse of the term early on, but CBC and other mainstream media have corrected that and now say “unmarked” (which in itself is not correct as there are numbered markers, but anyway it is an improvement). Sites such as NN have not changed – either they aren’t aware of the difference between mass and unmarked (likely) or else they have an agenda.

  16. Posted by hermann kliest on

    No one can even acknowledge what she said at the house, she tried and many cannot say good things abut her, ‘upper class” Inuit and long time residences have nothing positive to say. So, who’s next to be condemn, tried and shamed daily on media? unless you want to put your hat in the ring, I suggest we draw back. There are very few who will use their reals names on this site and I applauded them, there’re the ones who should be our MPs. Then again, it has happen for many years regardless and so much having been done by those who tried to make the difference regardless of opinions. Even last few weeks; condemnation for the “Father of Nunavut” no appreciation by the lot. For a sparsely populated territory, I didn’t realized so much sarcasm and hate existed out there. Out going MP; you did your best, thank you for trying. Its not you, we’re just waiting for the next MP and toothcomb his/her faults so we can write under assumed names to fuel our ignorance.

    Ottawa in the late fifties and early sixties, have tried to extinguish our native tongue and a way of life and they realized you cannot change the brown to white skins, the only thing that came out from that era is T. Douglas, the father of modern Medicare.

  17. Posted by Old Timer on

    This is what you guys girls get when you voted for her 🙁

  18. Posted by Umingmak on

    All of Nunavut is ashamed of Trina Qaqqaq.

    • Posted by hermann kliest on

      We all should be ashamed, we don’t have decency anymore for anyone, just sarcasm and hate, it should be j trudeau you should go after who made so many inappropriate legalizations which broke up so many good families. i believe we’re at last days, were it says people will become lovers of themselves and only themselves, period. reality shows that now.. If you can understand the last days. but why go after an MP you’ve voted in?

      In reality, the young person has it made; good pension, good monetary rewards and probably very good employment potentially.

      • Posted by Umilik on

        With less than 6 years as an M.P. she will not receive a pension.

        She will receive a lump sum severance package equating to half her current salary (which is about $184,000.00 per annum) plus all her pension contributions since becoming a member of the plan. So, on her exit, she’s slated to receive around $115,000.00 (gross/before tax) just to leave. That’s in addition to all 2021 earned income so far.

        Pay down that high interest credit card QQ – oh, wait – you didn’t have one. Better yet, donate it to the Nunavut Chapter of Habitat For Humanity. Make a difference for one family’s housing situation!

  19. Posted by Chesley on

    Go Green, the MP can speak their mind without being concerned if the higher ups/hierarchy will throw the book at him. It is a quatum leap and change from the other parties.

  20. Posted by iThink on

    Anyone who has studied psychology knows how toxic shame is as a motivational tool. Not only does it damage those who it is inflicted on, but it indicates damage in those who use it. It should also be noted that at its worst it can have the adverse effect of causing people to tune out and turn away from the one who uses it. In other words, the efficacy of shame is uncertain and potentially counter productive.

    That our MP has been compelled to use shame as a weapon tells me several things about her. I won’t explore all those here but will note that doing so demonstrates how poorly equipped she is to navigate the complexities of professional life, let alone Parliament.

  21. Posted by Northern Guy on

    ENOUGH!!! Ms. Qaqqaq has already indicated that she isn’t running again. Why are we still giving this dilettante airspace? Ms. Qaqqaq doesn’t have to shut up we just have to stop listening.

  22. Posted by Wise Words on

    “People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.”

    – Stephen Hawking

  23. Posted by Tulugaq on

    I am flabbergasted at the comments against MP Qaqqaq who seems to be doing her best to represent her constituents. It’s true that NU gets lots of transfer payments from Ottawa but that’s the choice made by a colonial government in exchange for using the territory for its own benefit. That’s what colonialism is about.

    Inuit are very fortunate that the contact with Euro-Canadians came later than First Nations and were able to keep inuktut as the main language of the territory. Canada did everything it could to eradicate Indigenous languages and cultures. The government made sure to settle people in the communities and made everything to ensure they depended on mainstream supplies, including food, for its own benefit.

    MQ mentions housing and she’s right. The housing situation in NU is appalling and houses are so overcrowded that people are also at greater risk of epidemics. Canada took over the territory and at the same time took responsibility for housing but this is another dismal failure. Canada should be ashamed of its colonial approach to all Indigenous people in this country and particularly to the Inuit.

  24. Posted by Dòchas a’ Onnust on

    So, they need housing for people in Nunavut due to the harsh weather conditions and forced migration into the Governments way of doing and recognizing things instead of the natural primitive ways; so, this psychological change, recognition and entrance into organized ways of doing things will cause neglect and discomfort for people making them more dependent on things v. independent living styles and free mindsets; this will also cause mental health issues.

    So, if they are expecting this community to conform; they need to “set it up,” for you all to participate properly.

    That makes sense right; I am just thinking, if I was there and all these people showed up and expected me to play their game that I would need the stuff to play, right?

    So… you need houses…

  25. Posted by Dòchas a’ Onnust on

    Random Question; hopefully you get to read this past all of these other comments.

    Since there is a lack of resources in the area; that were mentioned by you ie: Building materials Has one considered using concrete, since there is an abundance in that?

    Right now I am looking at purchasing a landplot for my Daughter and I to do a “Build a home project,” for something to do; it is in the far North of Ontario, it is great area for Hunting, Fishing and living Natural ways; I am a Naturalist, so I prefer living primitive lifestyles; basic log cabin, wood stove and I am happy; I never wanted Hydro… It is stressful to me. Regardless, for this situation, this house is so far into the North that when the snow melts I will get flooding, so I will not be able to put a basement in but I will have to pour a 3 ft concrete foundation. Due to the abundance of wild life and small woodland creatures, I considered building the house in cinder blocks and making a fancy detail design with concrete over the outer walls afterwards and painting it a nice color; like a deep charcole… I love Charcole and Pine together… it’s beautiful.

    Anyways; this may be something that you could consider in the meantime. I understand the nature of the Houses built there are similar designs to Denmark and Greenland; on stilts. This is another option for the terrain that you are working with; pouring a deep concrete foundation and building ontop of it.

    I did the math on it; it would work.. Consider this option in the meantime.

  26. Posted by Dòchas a’ Onnust on

    That brings to mind, how you guys decide what roles to play.

    That must be a big thing; with all this. It’s confusing… These people just come there, expect you to participate in their game but it isn’t organized… then you have to figure out on your own what role you are playing; it is like an unorganized productions.. what even is this!

    Bad acting… Bad directing…

    It is sort of disappointing…


    Concrete… Princess

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