Lori Idlout secures NDP nomination for Nunavut
Party makes it official Tuesday night
Lori Idlout has been named the New Democratic Party’s candidate for Nunavut. (Photo courtesy of Lori Idlout/Twitter)
Inuk lawyer Lori Idlout has secured the New Democratic Party’s nomination for Nunavut, meaning she’ll be running to be the territory’s MP in the next federal election, Jill Marzetti, a spokesperson with the party confirmed.
It was made official late on Tuesday after votes cast by party members in the territory on Monday evening were counted.
“I am so honoured,” Idlout wrote in a tweet.
“The work begins.”
The vote was between Idlout and Clyde River’s Aliqa Illauq.
Illauq announced she was vying for the spot over social media on July 21. Shortly afterward, Idlout made her own announcement.
Idlout grew up in Nunavut, moving between Igloolik, Pond Inlet, Rankin Inlet and Chesterfield Inlet with her three siblings — most often returning to Igloolik, she said.
She was called to the bar in 2019 after finishing law school at the University of Ottawa.
Earlier this year, Idlout represented the Nuluujaat Land Guardians as they protested the proposed expansion of Baffinland’s Mary River mine.
The territory’s current MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq — also with the NDP — announced earlier this year she will not run again for a second term.
“Our members have a tough decision to make,” Qaqqaq wrote in a tweet before the vote.
Tuesday’s announcement makes the NDP the first federal party to name its candidate in Nunavut, despite hints at an election around the corner.
Other parties have not yet announced dates for their nomination meetings.
This seems like the more responsible choice for the party, in my opinion.
Congratulations Lori! NDP members had a tough choice indeed with 2 great candidates.
Thank you to Mumilaaq too for changing the game. Nunavut politics is never going to be the same, and I know Lori will be a strong voice for us in Ottawa.
If Mumilaaq is a sign of our future politics we are entering a long period of darkness. I suppose it’s no surprise that some are taken in by her fiery displays of emotion. Some realize that these are compensatory for a lack of experience, skill and efficacy In other words, it resonates with many when you make loud noises and emote blame and shame and call that a method.
The lack of serious thought and the inability to inspire anything but emotion, often unhinged from world around you is not an asset class we should be aspiring too, but it suits people who think anger reflects courage and power… in reality it reflects weakness and provides cover for a glaring lack of ability.
It is time to move on and stop being so demeaning toward our former MP, however problematic some of her behaviour was; she has left her post.
I agree, but ya’ll keep writing fluff… what’s a guy to do?
At least Mumillaq had the courage to try, she brought up issues that most Nunavut politicians avoid such as suicide, systematic racism Inuit face and lack of housing for Inuit that affects mental health. She faced racism and sexism while in office at least she had to guts to call it out!
She gave young women hope to thrive! What have you done to make a difference in Nunavut?
I doubt Mumilaaq faced much, or any, racism or sexism in the house, her predilection for drama suggests she conjured those for their great narrative power.
MPs should prepare themselves for the prospect of enduring Lori Idlout’s long, rambling and often incoherent speeches…
Well…Politics does require Articulation with backgrounds of Information that have been used or should be used by Precedence to deliver a reasonable and supported established line of communication to make point(s) in a Forum of Politics. So at the National Level being able to speak with support or documentation to gain as a Voice for Northerners will require and does require one able to have a discussion at the Big People Table where Keyboard Influencers throw jabs without ever contributing to life in general… So grunting is no longer a welcome skill as we are past that at Canadian Parliamentary Level.
Or do you prefer to good little obedience and Voluntold Fed Government dealings of Northern issues and just not be able to articulate anything? Pick one?
And please, at least try to support your own People and Lands. Do something. Anything but be an anchor in public crying for help to seek whining attention. “Squeaky wheel gets the grease” Syndrome but never contribute. So many just yap, yap, yap and point fingers. It’s a culture well practiced for a small population supposedly loving and kind people yet so well versed in bringing own kind down is indeed a special cultural skill and reflects on this society.
Try to run for Office to help your people to be crucified daily, are you guys like that Religious Group formed 2000 years ago and sacrifice your own at the stake by your very own just for trying? What a culture. I wish all the best and hope for the best in Nunavut. Just for once at least try support and help this one time and next Election you can run….ok?
Lori? Is that you?
Talk about rambling, incoherent speeches… you do not need to look far
Your point is understandable as being able to see and hear “Outside-the-box” is difficult for many seeing as mental health and insecurities are challenging barriers that cannot follow a reasonable processes. These require tools to have the ability to make points with reasonable backing to support an issue or topic requires a form of communication that is not so, “Plain English” or “Cannot be simplified any easier for some applies. Point made. Thank you for your contribution in discussion and making my exact point. You tried, so you get a pass, continue as you were…
Word salad.
Guess us B.I.M. employees will be out of jobs in the near future.
This is the good news, responsible ppl aspiring to head to the Hill, now only if we can or hear about the Conservative candidate, but please, if you have already been there don’t bother to step forward and do us the loyalist a favor. We want a winner.
Good choice NDP. Someone with experience, brains, and education vs. well, you know…
Congratulations Lori! ?
It would be a bad signal if the person who was the mouthpiece who tried to give credence to a group of trespassers who paralyzed the operations of a licensed, permitted mining operation which contributes 25 % of Nunavut’s GDP, endangering the health and safety of mine workers in mid winter, should be elected to represent Nunavut in Ottawa. That a candidate for MP for Nunavut would side with and legitimize the so – called Land Guardians and their unlawful actions this past winter, during a pandemic, and cite that as background in their favour, as suggested in this story, is not a feather in her cap, whether or not the illegal trespassers deserved representation in what was an unsuccessful attempt to fight the company’s injunction to have them stop blockading Baffinland’s airstrip, which was a vital link to the outside world for employer transportation and supplies. We should expect any candidate to be our representative in Ottawa to respect the rule of law and the Nunavut land claim and the independent regulatory process it established which was then underway (NIRB) to review the proposed environmental, social and economic impacts of the mine’s proposed expansion application. Proudly siding with the illegal protesters who endangered the safety and security of the mine workers is not a badge of honour for her to proudly brandish in her quest to represent us in Ottawa.
The Nunavut Land acclaim Agreement is a Modern Treaty and there are policies, procedures and legal ordinance to abide by Environmental Stuart’s of the Land and to ensure Inuit Interests are protected before a major investor and National Environmental Laws also apply to NU. But that may be hard to follow for some? People have to step up and raise red flags and Awareness for Inuit and is not an easy job when often those who step up to ensure Inuit do not, “Cast Pearls before swine” (suggest you look up meaning” or origin of saying). So…you’re looking for a Former Atypical YesMan with puppet strings to that have faces pulled to fears of the few getting rich off your Lands. But, hey, some people don’t see the Forest for its trees. Oh, hard to see when from small towns in small practices and outlooks.
Concerned Citizen; why, why do you feel like the protesters are in wrong. It’s about time someone to take their cause, Inuit have been treated like dogs for many years, in fact their dogs were shot, eliminated. The ore? it goes too Europe, money to international share holders and poor North Baffin is left hold the bad lands that will take years and years to naturalized to it original stage but that will not happen, raped land never heals. the surrounding for miles will be rendered useless. Scared for thousands of years.
This seems like an infinitely better choice than that other shouty person who just made up things on the fly and couldn’t tell a fact if it bit her but this also continues to reveal Nunavut’s NDP to be the anti-economy party.
I’ll take a hard pass. I prefer to vote for a party that wants to create hope and opportunity for Nunavut’s communities and families.
“Create hope and opportunity” = I have no idea but it sounds nice and I don’t want to tax rich people.
Dear Hogwash, there is a lot of room between ‘i don’t want to tax rich people’ and ‘I want to shut down the main economic driver in Nunavut’
Good to see the status quo will be well represented! Bravo!
That “main economic driver of Nunavut” drives about 2% of its spending to Nunavummiut. The rest goes south. And all the profits will go elsewhere. QIA is selling iron-in-the-ground for $0.01 per pound. Inuit will be left with the hole and the polution.
Which Inuit are being trained to manage the next mine? Which Inuit will be the geologists and machinists and other skilled workers in the next mine? Where is the plan for Inuit to own and operate their own mine 20 years from now?
These are certainly thought provoking points you’ve raised. Could you kindly point us to the source of your numbers?
I would prefer no federal parties. Members would be more active on the home front in a NU style coalition. And less restricted by party loyalties. Big donors have too much say in the way things are run in the party led govs NDP CPC LIB etc.
The politics of honest to goodness opinions has caught my eye and I like it. A tad tired of the never ending talking heads of the past and I want a bit of a change. Inuit deserve a voice and the NDP has delivered the goods. The other folk will say, it is nice to have a seat in government, but what good has that done for my fellow Inuit. I will cast my vote for the NDP for the first time in my life and I look forward to having our voices heard.
“Having our voices heard” has to be one of the most tiresome clichés in my lifetime at least.